


When you purchase Workers’ Compensation insurance, your premium is based on an estimated payroll.

The estimated payroll is developed by the North Carolina League of Municipalities and is based on your last audit that was provided to the League before the year began. Once the fiscal year is over, NCLM underwriters perform an audit to obtain your actual payroll. Your audited payroll is compared by class code to the estimated payroll and an invoice is produced reflecting any premium differences.

努力为所有会员服务, 365足彩下载使用各种审计方法来获得你的实际工资单. League underwriters and auditors will participate in on-site premium audit assistance, while self-audits will continue to be processed by the Underwriting Unit team. 协助承销团队, the League requires you to provide records that reflect your actual payroll for the 2018-19 fiscal year. 这包括以下报告:WC报告, 工资毛额报告, 按名称支付类型报告, 工资历史报表, 蓄电池的报告, 等.

在每个报告中, 确保包括所有的工资类型:毛工资, 加班, 病假工资, 假期工资, 电话支付, 长寿, 假期, 手机津贴, 制服, 旅行, 车, 军事, 利奥, 津贴支付, 奖金及附加福利. Some exclusions will be permitted; for instance, the imputed income the IRS taxes each employee for excess life insurance and the premium portion of 加班 (1/3 of the time and a half).

In addition, be sure to include active and terminated employees that worked during the fiscal year. 这包括所有董事会成员, 季节性, 兼职, 全职, 预备役军官, 志愿消防队员, 兼职消防员和全职消防员. 365足彩下载需要你提供合同服务的证明. Please submit insurance certificates for all independent contractors used and be sure to utilize the Contract Labor Form for all contractors that have failed to provide a certificate of insurance.


  • 列出每个员工和职位的员工花名册 
  • 每个季度的esc和941报告的第一页
  • 如适用,请从国家公务员资助基金领取花名册
  • Copy of your inmate contract and monthly invoices from the department of public safety/corrections if applicable
  • 你的辅警名单
  • 《365足彩下载》副本(如适用)
一旦你向国际365足彩下载提供上述文件, 你的审核过程应该非常顺利.  
如果您有任何问题,请致电或发电子邮件给我们. 我们非常乐意以任何可能的方式帮助你。
加里Burkhardt-Sr. 保险人/审计师gburkhardt@king-net.net 919-715-2914
史蒂文Hulme-Sr. 保险人/审计师shulme@king-net.net 919-715-3923
老阿里尔·德安吉洛.-P&C承销商adangelo@king-net.net 919-715-8151
老帕特里斯·亚当斯.-P&C承销商padams@king-net.net 919-715-9549

棒球,苹果派 & 员工的薪酬

It’s that time of year everyone wants to be outside enjoying time with coworkers, 规划户外活动,如野餐和参加运动队.  If you are planning an employer-sponsored event keep in mind that injuries occurring at these events may fall under workers’ compensation.   问自己这些问题:

  •  雇主实际上是否赞助了该活动
  • 在多大程度上出席是真正自愿的
  • 是否有某种程度的鼓励,通过出席, 支付所花费的时间, 要求员工在不出席的情况下工作, 出席的保持出席的已知习俗的  
  • 雇主是否为这次活动提供了大量资金
  • 员工是否认为这是一种雇佣福利
  • Did Employer benefit from the event by have opportunity to make speeches and give awards

If you have any questions about this or any other workers’ compensation questions, 请不要犹豫,拨打919-715-4000给我们打电话.


The North Carolina League of Municipalities’ Health Benefits Trust partners with many wellness programs that improve employees’ health by providing practical tips and information. We 车efully research our partners to make sure they have the success rates and evidence to back up their claims.  

天生苗条, is a not-a-diet weight loss program that teaches participants about small changes that can have a big impact. The 10-week online course is free to HBT members and highlights a range of topics related to weight loss and behavior change while avoiding common weight-loss program methods and rules like counting calories or eliminating certain types of food. Instead, the program focuses on a handful of simple principles related to how much and when to eat.

Our partnership with 天生苗条 has resulted in participating members reporting that they have:

  • 减重超过3795磅
  • 消化不良得到改善(100%的参与者)
  • 提高自信(86%的参与者)
  • 精力充沛(76%的参与者)
我们目前提供每年两次的免费注册, 每年三月和九月开学. 通知会同时发给雇主和雇员.  Employees should be watching for their post车d in the mail so they can enroll August 19 through August 31 for our September class. 
“圣牛! 这个美妙的概念已经用了10天了,我还剩8天了.5磅! 同时吃我真正喜欢的正常食物... 我正在学习如何和何时比做什么更重要. 谢谢你做了我做过的最简单的事.”


4月20日, 1999, the world seemed to change forever as Americans watched the tragic events unfold at Columbine High School in Littleton, 科罗拉多州, 两个十几岁的学生在那里疯狂射击, 造成13人死亡,20多人受伤.

This tragedy sparked a major change for how law enforcement agencies respond to active shooting events, creating the need for active response training and new approaches to these community threats. 

Law enforcement agencies across the country have continued to provide training for officers in active shooter responses and in response tactics. 重要的是要明白,当这些事件发生时, they rapidly unfold within short time frames before police can arrive to take action. There are proactive things our employees and citizens can do to increase their safety and survival.  

自2016年以来, the North Carolina League of Municipalities has responded to municipal requests for active shooter preparedness training. This training follows recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security’s Run-Hide-Fight program and emphasizes to the participants the importance of situational awareness and response considerations when encountering these events. It is important that municipalities have a plan for employees and are prepared in the event an active shooter situation occurs. It is recommended that policy and training take place involving local law enforcement and other stakeholders.
The FBI defines an active shooter as an individual who is engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.

The Department of Homeland Security recommends that if a citizen believes there is an active shooter in the vicinity, 在精神上和身体上都做好应对这种情况的准备.  市民必须保持警惕,并准备好预先制定的计划. 因为事件各不相同, 迅速展开, 行动计划是必不可少的, 公民应该考虑三个选择:  
  1. RUN(如果可能的话,立即逃离/撤离)
  2. HIDE (if unable to run, then hide in locked areas/out of site, and barricade the door)
  3. FIGHT (as a last resort, acting with physical aggression to stop the threat).

如果遇到活跃的枪手, early identification of the threat and taking swift action is a top priority while maintaining a survival mindset.
For more information on active shooter preparedness initiatives, please visit: 

国土安全部主动射击准备,http://www.国土安全部.gov / active-shooter

获取有关NCLM培训的进一步帮助和更多信息, 联系汤姆·安德森, NCLM风险控制总监, tanderson@king-net.net